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The healthcare industry is undergoing rapid transformation, with mobile technology playing a primary role in shaping its future. The shift towards mobile healthcare (mHealth) is driven by the need to streamline operations, reduce disease exposure and improve efficiencies. According to the latest research, global mobile health is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 10.7% from 2024 to 2030. Several upcoming trends and innovations are expected to redefine mobile care in the coming year. Here’s what you can expect to see happen, and how your organization can harness technology to enable seamless care delivery, even in remote settings.


The Role of Mobile Technology in Remote Healthcare 

Mobile technology is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of remote healthcare, offering unparalleled benefits to both providers and patients. In remote environments, mobile devices and applications bridge the distance between healthcare providers and patients, enabling timely care and efficient management of medical services.  

VHA Healthcare’s success story 

Ontario-based VHA Home HealthCare realized the immense potential of mobile solutions in addressing the ongoing healthcare resource crisis in the province. The organization implemented a digital-first approach, integrating mobile technology into daily operations. A partnership with VALET Wireless, this collaboration tackled the unique challenges faced by remote healthcare providers, such as: 

  • the need for reliable communication,  
  • inefficient scheduling, and  
  • creating secure access to patient information.  

This tailored solution allowed VHA to manage its mobile device fleet more effectively, leading to notable improvements in operational efficiency. These developments empower healthcare providers to focus more on patient care and less on logistical concerns. 

Indispensable fieldwork tools 

Mobile devices have proven to be indispensable tools in fieldwork for VHA’s healthcare professionals. They facilitate critical functions such as scheduling appointments, accessing patient records, and communicating with the healthcare team. This access to information and resources at the point of care has enhanced the efficiency of healthcare providers and improved the overall patient experience.  

The VHA case study underscores the transformative power of mobile technology in remote healthcare, setting a benchmark for how healthcare organizations can leverage technology to overcome challenges and deliver exceptional care. 

Emerging Trends in Mobile Healthcare 

Several key trends in healthcare are emerging as significant drivers of change. Telehealth, mHealth, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront, each playing a vital role in reshaping healthcare delivery and management. 

Trend #1: Telehealth triumph 

Over the past couple of years, telehealth has gained unprecedented momentum. It bridges geographical barriers, enabling patients to access medical care remotely. For example, since the pandemic’s onset the use of virtual care has escalated to 38 times its pre-pandemic levels. In addition, the first quarter of 2023 saw 15% of Medicare fee-for-service users utilize telehealth services, maintaining the same level of usage from the last quarter of 2022.  

With the global telehealth market projected to grow with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.7% by 2030, it’s clear telehealth is going to continue to be a powerhouse in the healthcare industry worldwide. And since 60% of the global population access online services via mobile devices, this form of healthcare delivery is not just about convenience. Rather, it's a critical requirement to achieve patient-centered, accessible healthcare. 

Trend #2: mHealth miracle 

Mobile health extends the capabilities of telehealth, encompassing the use of mobile devices for health monitoring and information services. mHealth apps offer functionalities like remote monitoring, medication reminders, and personalized health tips. According to statistics, there are over 350,000 mobile health apps available across various app stores worldwide as of December 2023. These applications make health management more interactive and user-friendly, empowering patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. The number of health app users varies by country, but estimates suggest about 3 in 10 adults reported using at least one health app.  

Trend #3: AI achievements 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare is another transformative trend. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, providing insights that assist in diagnosis, treatment planning, and predicting patient outcomes. AI's potential to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of healthcare services is immense, offering a glimpse into a future where data-driven decision-making is the norm in medical care. Since “following the money” is a helpful way to determine market success, consider that the global market for AI in healthcare was estimated at USD 22.45 billion for 2023, and it is projected to expand at a CAGR of 36.4% from 2024 to 2030. That’s exponential growth you can expect to see as AI becomes a fundamental part of every healthcare procedure and program.  

Trend #4: IoT accomplishments 

The Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare involves the use of connected devices that can communicate and exchange data. IoT devices, such as wearable health monitors and smart medical equipment, collect valuable health data in real-time. This data can be used to track health trends, alert healthcare providers to potential issues, and enhance the overall quality of care. Statistics show approximately 35% of U.S. adults were reported to be using wearable healthcare devices in 2023. A substantial increase over 2018 figures, this is evidence that the trend has already taken off and is getting traction.  

Trend #5: Security and compliance 

With all these advancements comes the necessity to maintain security, compliance, and ease of use. As healthcare increasingly relies on digital technologies, protecting patient data becomes paramount. Compliance with healthcare regulations and ensuring the security of patient information are critical considerations. Moreover, these technologies must be user-friendly to promote widespread adoption among both healthcare providers and patients. 

Mobile Tech in Healthcare BlogNavigating Data Costs, Device Decisions, and Carrier Contracts in Healthcare 

In mobile healthcare, managing mobile assets, predicting costs, and ensuring user adoption present complex challenges. Healthcare organizations must navigate a landscape where data costs fluctuate, device decisions carry significant implications, and carrier contracts demand careful scrutiny. Some challenges we can expect to see accompanies the trends in 2024 include: 

Device management 

Managing mobile assets is a multifaceted challenge. Healthcare providers require a fleet of devices that are not only functional but also compliant with healthcare standards. These devices must be reliable, secure, and capable of handling sensitive patient data. Additionally, the lifecycle management of these devices – from procurement to disposal – needs meticulous planning and execution. 

Cost projections 

Predicting costs in mobile healthcare is equally challenging. Data costs can vary greatly depending on usage patterns, which are often unpredictable in healthcare settings. Organizations must balance the need for comprehensive data plans against the risk of incurring excessive charges. Moreover, the growing demand for bandwidth-intensive applications like telehealth and remote monitoring further complicates cost predictions. 

User adoption 

The effectiveness of mobile healthcare solutions depends largely on acceptance by both healthcare providers and patients. This requires devices and applications that are user-friendly and align with the users' technical proficiency. 

Managed cellular services come to the fore 

Managed cellular services emerge as a vital solution to these needs. These services guarantee that the infrastructure supporting these technologies is reliable, secure, and compliant with healthcare standards. Managed services take the burden of technical management off healthcare providers, allowing them to focus on patient care. They offer a streamlined approach to handling the complexities of mobile technology, ensuring that healthcare organizations can safely and effectively utilize these emerging trends. 

Addressing the challenges 

VALET Wireless addresses these challenges by offering a suite of services tailored to the unique needs of healthcare organizations. We help with asset management, ensuring that healthcare providers have access to the right devices and services at the right cost. Our expertise in negotiating carrier contracts allows healthcare organizations to optimize data plans, avoid unnecessary expenses, and maintain budgetary compliance. By alleviating the burdens of device and cost management, we empower healthcare providers to focus on delivering quality patient care. This partnership streamlines operations and guarantees the technological backbone of your healthcare services is robust, secure, and cost-effective. 


Empowering Healthcare Professionals with Advanced Mobile Solutions 

In the rapidly advancing field of mHealth, the adoption of Mobile Device Management (MDM) and the utilization of managed services play crucial roles in empowering healthcare professionals. VHA Home HealthCare’s experience offers insightful examples of these benefits in action. 

1. Optimized device functionality

The organization’s use of mobile device management has been instrumental in enhancing its healthcare delivery. By implementing MDM, VHA streamlined device operations, ensuring that its field professionals had reliable and secure access to essential tools such as scheduling systems, patient records, and communication channels. This management system optimized the functionality of mobile devices and enforced the security protocols necessary to protect sensitive patient information.

2. Reduced administrative burden

Through comprehensive device management services, VHA reduced its administrative burden. For instance, when an employee left VHA, the system effectively managed device recovery, which was a factor that had previously posed financial challenges. Additionally, VALET Wireless’s expertise in telecom expense management helped VHA optimize their mobile fleet size, leading to reduced overall spending. These enhancements had a direct impact on VHA's operational efficiency, with the turnaround time for phone issues being reduced by 70%.

3. Compliance with security requirements

A fully managed device lifecycle supports devices that are functionally optimized and compliant with healthcare regulations, especially regarding patient data security. Data breaches reported to the Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in September 2023 totaled 48 breaches of 500 or more records​. This statistic emphasizes the critical need for robust security measures and compliance with healthcare regulations, especially as the healthcare industry increasingly relies on digital technologies.  

Managed services cover the entire spectrum of device management, from procurement and setup to maintenance and eventual disposal or recycling. This comprehensive approach guarantees that healthcare providers always have access to up-to-date and secure technology and makes healthcare more affordable, accessible, and patient-centric. 

mHealth: The Future is Bright 

As we wait at the threshold of 2024, the outlook for mobile healthcare is bright with possibilities. The union of advanced technologies and innovative healthcare models promises a future where quality care transcends physical boundaries, reaching every corner of the globe. In this vision, healthcare becomes more than a service. Empowered by tools like telehealth, mHealth, AI, and IoT, it becomes a seamless, integral part of our daily lives. Embrace these trends to step into a time where healthcare is not a necessity, but a provider of hope and innovation, ensuring well-being for all regardless of distance or circumstance. 

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